Books & Websites

Here you will find career-related books and websites that can help you to get clear on your career path, in your job search strategy, networking, and other areas related to careers.



Release Your Brilliance: The Four Steps to Transforming Your Life and Revealing Your Genius to the World, by Simon Bailey (2008). New York, NY: HarperCollins

From Average to Awesome: Lessons for Liviing an Extraordinary Life, by Jim Smith, Jr. (2008). Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press

Goal Setting: How to Create an Action Plan and Achieve Your Goals, by Susan B. Wilson and Michael S. Dobson (2008). New York, NY: AMACOM

Smarts: Are We Hardwired for Success? by Chuck Martin, Peg Dawon, Ed. D., and Richard Guare, Ph. D. (2007). New York, NY: AMACOM

Reinvention: How to Make the Rest of Your Life Your Best Life, by Brian Tracy (2009). New York, NY: AMACOM

The Power of Positive Attitude: Discovering the Key to Success, by Roger Fritz (2008). New York, NY: AMACOM

Your Personal Renaissance: 12 Steps to Finding YourLife’s True Calling, by Diane Dreher 2008). Philadephia, PA: Da Capo Press, Perseus Books Group

The Greatness Guide (Powerful Secrets for Getting to World Class), by Robin Sharma (2006). New York, NY: Harper Collins


150 Great Tech Prep Careers, Second Edition (2009). New York, NY: Ferguson Publishing

Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, 14th Edition (2008). New York, NY: Ferguson Publishing

Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry, by Allan Taylor and James Robert Parish (2008). New York, NY: Ferguson Publishing

Top Careers in Two Years: Health Care, Medicine and Science, by Deborah Porterfield (2008). New York, NY: Ferguson Publishing

Real World Careers: Why College is Not the Only Path to Becoming Rich, by Betsy Cummings (2007). New York, NY: Warner Business Books

Be A Sales Superstar: 21 Great Ways to Sell More, Faster, Easier in Tough Markets, by Brian Tracy (2002). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

The Top 100: The Fastest-Growing Careers for the 21st Century, 4th Edition (2008). New York, NY:  Ferguson Publishing

The Career Chronicles: An Insider’s Guide to What Jobs are Really Like.  The Good, the Bad and the Ugly from over 750 Professionals, by Michael Gregory (2008). Novato, CA: New World Library

Discovering Careers for Your Future: Computers, Second Edition (2008). New York, NY: Ferguson Publishing

Professional Practice 101: Business Strategies and Case Studies in Architecture, by Andrew Pressman (2006). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons


What Color is Your Parachute? 2009: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers, by Richard Nelson Bolles (2009). Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press

Job Search Bloopers: Every Mistake You Can Make on the Road to Career Suicide…and How to Avoid Them, by Laura DeCarlo and Susan Guarneri (2008). Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press

Career Game Championship…and how to win, by Larry J. Linden with Joseph Parker (2008). Bloomington, IN: Trafford Publishing

The Career Coward’s Guide to Job Searching: Sensible Strategies for Overcoming Job Search Fears, by Katy Piotrowski (2009). Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works

Job Search: The Total System. Achieve Your Better Job…Better Pay…Better Life!, by Kenneth M. Dawson and Sheryl N. Dawson (2008). Houston, TX: Total Career Resources

Job Search Navigator: Preparing for Your Voyage, Charting Your Course and Sailing Away, revised by Linda A. Henderson and Martha D. Adamson


The Career Coward’s Guide to Resumes: Sensible Strategies for Overcoming  Job Search Fears, by Katy Piotrowski (2008). Indianapolis, IN: JIS T Works

Expert Resumes for Baby Boomers, by Wendy S. Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark (2007). Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works

30-Minute Resume Makeover: Rev up your old resume in half and hour, by Louise Kursmark (2008). Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works

Top Notch Executive Resumes: Creating Flawless Resumes for Managers, Executives, and CEO’s, by Katharine Hansen (2008). Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press

Portfolio Power: The Most Effective Way to Showcase your skills and Experience, 4th Edition, by Martin Kimeldorf (2008). Tumwater, WA: SearchInc Press

Expert Resumes for Engineers, by Wendy S. Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark (2009). Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works

Best Keywords for Resumes, Cover Letters and Interviews, by Wendy S. Enelow (2003). Manassas Park, VA: Impact Publications

Resumes for the Rest of Us: Secrets from the Pros for Job Seekers With Unconventional Career Paths, by Arnold Boldt (2008). Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press


Boomers Job Search Guide: You’re Not Old You’re Experienced, by Saundra Marling & Jill Pfaff Waterbury (2008).

Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage Generation Y, by Bruce Tulgan (2009). San Francisco, CA: Josesey-Bass

The Joy of Retirement: Finding Happiness,  Freedom, and the Life You’ve Always Wanted, by David C. Borchard with Patricia A. Donohoe (2008).  New Yor, NY: AMACOM

Working Longer: New Strategies for Managing, Training, and Retaining Older Employees, by William J. Rothwell, Harvey L. Sterns, Diane Spokus, and Joel M. Reaser (2008).  New York, NY: AMACOM

Generations at Work (Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace), by Ron Zemke, Claire Raines, Bob Filipczak (2000). New York, NY: AMACOM

Return of the Boomers, a Leader’s Guide: Crossing the Bridge to the Future with the Help of the Mature Workforce, by Carleen MacKay, Phil Newbold, and Brad Taft (2009). Scottsdale, AZ: Cambridge Media

Igniting Gen B and Gen V: The New rules of Engagement for Boomers, Veterans, and Other Long-Termers on the Job, by Nancy S. Ahlrichs (2007). Mountain View, CA: Davies-Blake Publishing


The Christian’s Career Journey: Finding the Job God Designed for You, by Susan Britton Whitcomb (2008). Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works

Winning Letters that Overcome Barriers to Employment: 12 Quick and Easy Steps to Land Job Interviews, by Daniel Porot and Frances Bolles Haynes (2006). Manassas Park, VA: Impact Publications

Pitch Like a Girl: How a Woman Can Be Herself and Still Succeed, by Ronna Lichtenberg (2005). New York, NY: Rodale Books

Overcoming Barriers to Employment: 127 Great Tips for Putting Red Flags Behind You, by Ron and Caryl Krannich (2006). Manassas Park, VA: Impact Publications

Birthing the Elephant – the Womans Go-For-It! Guide to Overcoming the Big Challenges of Launching a Business, by Karin Abarbanel and Bruce Freeman (2008). Berkely, CA: Ten Speed Press

Asperberger Syndrome and Employment: A Personal Guide to Succeeding at Work, by Nick Dubin featuring Gail Hawkins (2007).  London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

The Successful Introvert: How to Enhance Your Job Search and Advance Your Career, by Wendy Goldberg (2008). Cupertino, CA:


 Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Talking, Second Edition, by Diane Lindsey Reeves with Lindsey Clasen (2007). New York, NY: Ferguson Publishing

College Majors & Careers: A Resource Guide for Effective Life Planning, by Paul Phifer (2009). New York, NY: Ferguson Publishing

A Fork in the Road: A Career Planning Guide for Young Adults, by Susan Maltz & Barbara Grahn (2003). Manassas Park, VA: Impact Publications

Great Careers with a High School Diploma, (2008). New York, NY: Infobase Publishing

The Virtual Apprenticeship Series, (2008). New York, NY: Ferguson Publishing