The Power of ROI

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ROI – or return on investment – is a critical component of any business; it is what helps to know if the business is on the right track to both meet its goals, as well as for the services/products offered. Typically, we think of ROI from a consumer standpoint,  meaning to help those customers know if they are getting value, or results, from the money spent which can be in the form of a service offered (i.e. coaching, consulting, etc.) or a physical product.
But business owners need to be looking at ROI from their own standpoint: is the time and money I’m spending on activities getting me the results I’m looking for. Two areas to track are time and money:

  • Time: this is where you track the amount of time you are spending on business activities, which should include both time spent with clients or to get them. Areas to consider should include: identifying clients, referral partners, coming up with ideas to solve client problems, creating programs, posting on social media sites, speaking engagements, networking events, writing blogs or articles, making phone calls, doing research (on client needs, competitors, etc.), actual work with clients. All of these activities are very important to business growth
  • Money – this is where you set and track the amount of money you want, or need, to make daily/weekly/monthly/yearly; this equates to how much volume do you need to do to make your desired amount of money in one of those categories. It also means pricing your services or goods appropriately to ensure you’re bringing in the amount of money you need. Add in to this our expenses, which can include: office rent, phone, office supplies, internet services/hosting, buying domain name, printing expenses (business cards, handouts, and the like), webinar/teleseminar services, gifts/ donations, gas and other car expenses, lunches and networking meetings, membership to professional associations, going to conferences. It’s important to know your output.

These are the two main areas I see for tracking ROI, which applies not just to business; personally, we need to track these two areas as well. The bottom line to uncover is our investment into whatever activity we are pursuing and then are we getting the results from that investment. For someone who wants to lose weight, looking at calories expended or days at the gym; for those looking for a new job, how many resumes are being sent out which results in interviews; for those wanting to pay off a credit card, how much money do you need to pay extra and in how many months will it take, and where do you need to cut back on other expenses – I think you get the picture!
Return on investment definitely is important to track so you feel more in control of your schedule, time and money. Reaching profitably, and lessening frustration, while reaching set goals can only occur if you’re meeting them, which can only come if you monitor all that goes on within your business dealings. If you haven’t, it’s not too late to develop an ROI plan to keep you in growth mode, which then allows you to move to expanding the business.
Committed to Your Success Coaching & Consulting focuses on workplace happiness and organizational success. If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, why not get some help – stop the struggle and call today to get started! or For more great tips, visit our other blog at

Decision-Making: A Trap Some Business Owners Fall In

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A trap I often see some business owners fall into involves  decision-making: particularly, making the wrong decision. “I want to expand my business but…” “I think this idea will work but I don’t know…..” I could go on with more reasons that I’ve seen business owners hold themselves – and their business- back.

Why is decision-making so hard for some people? Well, I see people not making a decision because:

  • they are worried they will fail
  • they worry about the response they may get (criticism, getting yelled at)
  • they don’t trust themselves enough
  • they don’t think they can live with the decision (even though they don’t know the outcome)

Do any of these sound familiar? I’ll admit I’ve wrestled with one or two of those so I know how real the struggle is. But, the good news is that it’s fully possible to move past any of these blocks, and be more confident in making decisions that are good for your business.

To go back, fears arise from our past experiences that may have started when we were younger, such as getting yelled at for something we did or didn’t do; depending on how we’ve perceived the situation, it will form a belief around that thought which then leads to our actions (or inactions).  The more we think those negative thoughts, the more entrenched those beliefs become which, then, hold us back in some way.

The fundamental fear we all have is the fear of not being good enough, which comes out as the fear of failure, the fear of being rejected, or even the fear of success.  When faced with making a decision, one of those fears will rise if we believe we will make the wrong one. This, then, starts the cycle of having a decision to make, which then elicits a fear, which then prevents making a decision, which then leads to frustration/anger at yourself and then the cycle repeats itself over and over.

So how can you move past any fears around decision-making and move into embracing the very things you say you want? How can you feel more confident when making a decision, so you won’t hesitate when faced with an issue? Here are some suggestions:

  • Begin by identifying fears you’re experiencing when faced with making a decision; look to see how you respond when faced with both big and small decisions. For instance, a small decision would include what tie to wear today, or what to eat for breakfast, while a big decision would be expanding on a service or creating a high-end program. You can rate your level of fear around these, which can help you to see progress you make and for which one(s) you will tackle first
  • Identify the outcome you believe is going to occur with the decision you want to make; as I said earlier, we often let a past event predict our future so what do you believe is going to happen: will someone yell at you, ignore you, criticize or laugh at you; also identify your response if one of these were to occur – shame, guilt, anger, etc. Once you’ve identified your beliefs, then…
  • Challenge those thoughts – how do you know that the outcome you worry about is going to happen with absolute certainty? As we are not mind-readers, challenging those thoughts disrupts the negative pattern so you can ‘see’ that the thought is maladaptive, an then ‘see” that whatever decision you make can have a positive outcome
  • List possible outcomes of the decision on a piece of paper, both positive and negative. This is a great exercise to do as, by identifying an negative outcomes, you can now see any potential ‘mistakes’ and come up with potential solutions for dealing with them if they do occur; it also validates your reasons for wanting to make the decision in the first place
  • Use your most powerful sense, your visual field, to imagine the best possible outcome. This activates dopamine, which elevates the mood and more positive thoughts and gives more mastery to actions you take. It also raises your confidence. Professional athletes use this in their training – as the football player is running down the field and catches the ball in the end zone, he has visualized and practiced it thousands of time: if it works for them, it will work for you (with consistency)
  • Fail – as counter-intuitive as this seems, we need to see that failure is not the end of the world. If you think about it, we all have failed in some way along our life journey but we have survived, even when we thought we couldn’t make it through. Going back and looking at times where things did not go well but that we overcame it helps to see that we will pull through. (I’d recommend doing the opposite and remember times when you did have success to validate your efforts). Also, earn from any failures so you won’t make the same mistakes in the future.

Leaders, of which small business owners are in this category, are faced with making hard choices to grow and sustain; don’t allow your fear around making them hold you back. Decision-making is one of the critical skills a leader needs to possess – you can get better at it so you can be more confident and successful in doing so. The steps above will help you get there.

Committed to Your Success Coaching & Consulting focuses on workplace happiness and organizational success. If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, why not get some help – stop the struggle and call today to get started! or For more great tips, visit our other blog at



Time to Think About 2018 Goals

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Here we are, the beginning of a new month – the last one of the year at that. Amid all of the Christmas planning and activities, it’s not too early to start thinking of your goals for the new year. After all, don’t you want to hit the ground running come January 1 (I hope so)?
I’ve begun making a list of my big goals I’d like to accomplish next year, which is a start. I’ve got some big audacious ones on there (write a book, speaking engagements, to name a few). I’m still in thinking mode, so I’m not done yet, but I’m finding that the more I write them out, the more they come. I’m not rushing the process – just yet. Neither should you.
Allowing spontaneous ideas to come takes the pressure off and helps the brain to do what it does best – think and solve problems. I learned this technique, called ‘Free Thinking’ from my chair in my doctoral program; I was hitting a road block on writing the second chapter of my dissertation. This is where you identify the problem, by giving historical, and scholarly sources, to support problem identification which, then, flows into what research will be done around the problem.
I remember sitting in my chair’s office one day, crying; I had hit a major mental roadblock in putting together the chronological path of my study. I can still remember two things my chair said that made a difference:

  • “Maybe you should think about quitting.” At first I was incredulous that she would even suggest such an idea – I’d come so far and for so many years. But she did relate that she had the same idea and took time off for three months, where all she did was knit. But it allowed her to decide to keep going on the journey. I knew the question was valid – was all the stress worth it; but I also felt she was challenging me. I told here that quitting was not an option.

The other thing she said, which really changed my whole outlook was:

  • Free Think – this is where any and all idea is welcomed; no editing allowed at this point. By just hearing this method, I was able to get my first three chapters written in a month. This changed the trajectory for my research and got me closer to completing my degree

Why do I tell you this? Because these two phrases can help you to allow your big goals to come to the surface, without pressure or activating any fears around them. Take time to go outside, or to a relaxing place, and use these methods to start the goal setting process. I’ll give suggestions next time on taking the ideas to goal planning, so stay tuned. One other suggestion, carry a small notebook or use your cell phone, to write down any ideas as they come; they may not make much sense at the time but the point of this is get into content creation mode so you don’t forget them.
Committed to Your Success Coaching & Consulting focuses on workplace happiness and organizational success. If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, why not get some help – stop the struggle and call today to get started! or For more great tips, visit our other blog at

Job Transition in December? Why This is a Great Time to Make a Move

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Making a job transition in December might seem like a ludicrous idea, but it can actually be one of the best times to make a move, whether internally or externally. Here are some advantages to doing so:

  • most people decide to wait until after the new year to start looking, so it could give you an advantage in both the position and the timing
  • since it is a downtime, hiring mangers and HR staff have more time to vet candidates for positions, which most have already identified in their planning
  • hiring managers seem to be in the ‘holiday spirit’ so they will bring in candidates to interview, and will have more time to do so
  • hiring managers want to hit the ground running in January so they will be more open to getting their team together now

All-in-all, this is a great time to make a move. This doesn’t mean that you still don’t have to ensure that you are meeting their needs through your skills and experiences to meet them. You still need to ensure that you are conveying your value, and how you will help them to reach their business goals; but you could have an advantage by applying now.

Internal candidates can have a leg up on others, as there are more opportunities to internally network during holiday gathers that the organization may put on. For the reasons above, you may find that hiring managers will be more open to speaking with you about a potential move as they may be in a better frame of mind.

So, no matter if you desire to look elsewhere or want to add more to your current organization, look at December as an advantageous opportunity to put yourself out there and make a move. What are you waiting for?

Committed to Your Success Coaching & Consulting focuses on workplace happiness and organizational success. If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, why not get some help – stop the struggle and call today to get started! or For more great tips, visit our other blog at

Consider These 3 in Your New Month Goal Planning

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Well, the last month of the year is officially upon us. Where has the time gone? I don’t know about your but I’m feeling both excited and a bit scared – a new month is exciting to think of all the possibilities available; but it’s also scary to think of the new year ahead – what will it bring?

I hope you have done your planning for the new month to finish 2017 out strong. This is a great time to review your goals and see what you can get crank out in these last 31 days; this can also be a great segue to goal planning for 2018.

Here are 3 considerations to include in your planning to make this month’s goals seem more achievable, and with ease:

  • Money – figure out how much money you need to have this month, as the holidays can add to the budget (Xmas cards/postage, gifts, food, entertainment, etc.).  How many clients do you need to see, do you need to raise your rates, or what other sources can you tap into so you create multiple streams of income? Knowing that finances are secured will allow you to feel less stressed so you can enjoy this time more
  • Time – the holidays seem to add to our daily schedule which, for some, can be over-filled; adding to it can stress some out and detract from enjoying the time. Determine how many hours you meed for each activity in your schedule and plug those into your calendar. Knowing you have allotted time will keep you on track and feeling more in control. Now you won’t miss out on any tasks, or be late = less stress
  • Mindset – the holidays can be a time of having fun and being happy or a time of frustration and irritation; it can also be a time of sadness for many.  Setting a mindset goal will help to determine how you will get through these next few weeks; it will also help you to deal with those frustrating times so they don’t keep you down. Mindset is a choice you get to make so set a goal for the type of choice you make

Being more scheduled will keep you on track to getting more done and feeling more accomplished, all of which will keep you moving forward. Take time to add these three considerations into your planning so you have all bases covered. They also will help as you move into planning out 2018. Here’s to a productive and happy December!

Committed to Your Success Coaching & Consulting focuses on workplace happiness and organizational success. If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, why not get some help – stop the struggle and call today to get started! or

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