10 Job Search Resolutions to Set for 2020

10 Job Search Resolutions to Set for 2020


As we are ready to ring in the New Year, this is a time of renewed hope and planning for areas that we want to either improve upon or to alter in some way.  Perhaps it is to lose weight, run a marathon or take up skydiving.  Others may want to start a business or to get a promotion.

For a majority out there, it means becoming employed, which can include finding a job, changing jobs, or getting a promotion. Despite the unemployment rate being low, there is still a lag time in hiring with finding the ‘right’ candidate and competition for jobs.

Here are 10 career resolutions to make – but set them intentionally so you will keep at them and succeed:

  1. Set the intention – decide on finding a new job, keeping your current one, moving up the ladder or being a better employee
  2. Commit – make the commitment to the process, to doing the work, to finding the tools and resources you need to help you on the journey. Realize it can take a while to find the right job so stay the course
  3. Assess – write down your skills, talents, abilities, etc. and the type of organization you want to work in; it will help you to have a clearer idea on what you have to offer and where you want to make a difference
  4. Research – get on the internet for job boards, news briefings, etc. for information on who hires for the position you want and then research the company to determine their culture and the state of the industry; talk to people who work in those jobs or organizations to gather more information
  5. Set career goals – writing your specific goals will help you to get clearer, focused and motivated.  Write the type of job or position you want, the salary you want to earn with an end-date to accomplish
  6. Action Steps – develop those daily activities you will commit to that will get you to your goal.  Some examples include: spend 60 minutes on job boards, attend 2 networking meetings, set-up 3 informational interviews.  Having these specific and measurable will drive you to complete them
  7. Develop a job-search strategy – these are the daily job activities you will use to find your next job, and include: job boards, published positions, unpublished positions, networking, professional associations, alumni associations, friends/family, direct contacts, news events, recruiters/headhunters, chat sites, company websites,  trade journals, and social networking sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Connections, etc.)
  8. Set up an activity log – this is your tracking system of how your time is spent in job-search mode and the results of these activities
  9. Self-care – looking for a job can take an emotional toll so be sure to schedule time on activities that will help you to keep your emotional level up, such as exercise, meditating, gardening, or reading industry-related professional journals or motivational books
  10. Develop a support system – find people who will support you during this time, such as family, friends, a career support group, or a career coach

With effort and a positive mindset, you can land that perfect job and start the new year off right.


If you’re ready to rev-up your success factor and make 2020 the best for you, or your team, call today for a free discovery/strategy session to learn how.



Make 2020 Your Year

Now that Christmas celebrations are behind us, it is now time to move forward as we head into this last week of the year.  No matter where you are in your career, either with or without a job, you can begin this year with a new outlook.


We hear from the world of positive psychology that our attitude can lead us to achieve bigger and better things in our life; it’s how we view our obstacles that give us the drive to work on reaching or overcoming them.


With that in mind, how do you want this year to look for your career? Now is the time to reflect on where your career is going: want a new job, to move into a higher role, or have you been out of work and want to return to the workforce  – this is a great time to plan and make a move.


If you are looking for a job:

review your activities from the past year for what daily action you took: how much time did you spend daily in the job search? how many contacts did you make and connect with? how many resumes did you send out?  how many follow-up calls did you make?


If you have been looking to change jobs, or want a promotion:

what job-search strategies have you been using? what type of position do you want and do you match the skill-set needed?  do you have a networking strategy, both in-person and via social media to connect with hiring managers? have you done research on your targeted organizations? is your resume current and speaks of your skills and outcomes?


With this new year can come a new outlook but you have to make the commitment to the process.  By reviewing what has not worked can help you to stop bad habits, or where you lost your momentum along the way, and will help you to keep achieving and will bring you closer to getting that dream job. Being committed to the process will help you make 2020 your year!


Your Action Plan


Take time to decide if you’re ready for your next best career; use the questions above to assess your readiness to begin to find and fall in love with the work you do. Even if you’re not ready yet to change jobs, doing these steps will get and keep you in ‘ready mode’ for when you are.


If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, or in developing your action plan, why not get some help – stop the struggle and call today to get started. I’d love to help you build the career and business of your dreams!






When Is It You and When Is It Chance?

I get really irked when I hear someone diminish themselves, attributing something great they’ve done to chance, someone else, a higher power, etc. They seriously are not aware that they are the reasons for their success. For example, let’s say a client named Jane comes in with good news that she got a new position with her company; Jane had been working this for a while but now, while grateful, states what a ‘stroke of luck’ she had to get this promotion.
What Jane doesn’t realize is that her good fortune was because of her – actions she took and willingness to step up and put her name in the hat for consideration. Jane needs to remember how she took the time to review her skills and recent experiences so they matched with the job; or the time she networked with her new boss at an office function, by taking a risk and introducing herself; or the kudos she got for completing a big project. I think it’s easy to attribute our success to an exterior source.
Perhaps this is due to a humble mindset or low self-esteem; but the fact remains that the way to get past those and really succeed is to embrace that, while others may have had a part, we really are the drivers in the process. It is we who takes the risks, who acquire the knowledge and skills, who finish the project, who leads. By owning our skills and abilities, and the like, we then become more of who we are; we work more authentically and confidently:

  • Daily, write down at least 3 ‘win’s for the day, no matter how big or small
  • review your work outcome and your part so you can ‘see’ the exact mindset and actions you took to get them completed, i.e. problem-solving, analysis, organization, etc.

So, no more brushing off what you do and attributing them to an external factor; time to start recognizing and giving kudos to yourself. Own your success to soar!

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