In this age of layoffs and rampant unemployment, one option is to start your own venture. I believe that everyone has their own talents and skills that can be transferred into services that people want and need. I think there are people out there who have the creativity and adeptness at making new ideas into reality. With more people continuing to be unemployed, this is the perfect time for people to leverage their all their skills, talents, creativity and know-how into their own business. There are plenty of job sites where people can freelance their services. There are programs out there to get training, some for cheap or free. There are plenty of teleseminars you can access on the net to learn and get ideas for what other people are doing that one can make their own. I question why would someone want to remain out of work when you have skills and experiences that could turn into a service or product that people want and need. I read a story today that referenced a woman in Florida who was an administrative assistant in a past life before she was laid off; she has sent hundreds of resumes with no luck. I don’t know why she has not looked at becoming a Virtual Assistant and using all her administrative talents to help small business owners – I could use one!
As a career coach, I see the pain that some people are going through – the blockages created in their own mind. I enjoy helping people to uncover their strengths and see the potentials that await them. Of course, there are some people who do “better” in an office environment; out economy wouldn’t survive without them. And then there are people who can’t handle being their own boss. I don’t think they’re “lost”. They just need the right tools – opening up their mind to the potentials, banishing the negative thoughts and self-talk, and having the right resources – to bring services to people who need them and increase our financial economy. I believe that should be a message given to people. Organizations would help themselves, as well as those employees that are being laid off, by providing, or encouraging them, the services of a career coach who could help them prevent the discouraging feelings, help them uncover skills and how to leverage them, tap into effective coping skills, and help them navigate their job search. If anything, we would have emotionally stronger individuals who will come out on the positive side of this downturn.