Are You Your Own Worst Enemy? How Coaching Can Help you Become Friends with Yourself to Achieve your Desires

<In honor of International Coaching Week>

Obstacles. Hurdles. Barriers. Roadblocks. These are all common sights along the road to achievement.


If you have ever worked towards a goal that most people would label as “unrealistic”, then you have undoubtedly faced one challenge after another. In fact, when you reach the point where you feel like giving up, that is usually when things get even tougher.


Believe it or not, these external obstacles are actually the easy part. They are obvious. We can examine them and devise a plan to work through them or around them. For example, if you want to start a business but lack the funding, there are a variety of tangible action steps you can take to resolve your funding issues.


The real barriers to success are the internal roadblocks. This is where it gets difficult. This is where you battle your own self- doubts, worries and feelings of unworthiness.


You may have the best work ethic in the world. You may have the strictest discipline and self-control. But if your mind is listing all of the reasons why you shouldn’t have what you truly want, you are fighting a losing battle.


For many of us, these negative tapes have been playing the same disempowering messages in our minds for years.


If you are tired of the struggles and want to move forward, then coaching can be the answer:

Coaching is:

“Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential (International Coach Federation)

A Coach:

Works in a partnership between a client(s) to provide structure, guidance and support for clients to:

  • Become more self-aware regarding their perceptions, emotions, motivations and responses/behaviors
  • Set realistic and relevant goals to work towards
  • Take actions that will lead to goal-achievement
  • Reflect on actions taken and elicit/use feedback to go toward their desired goal
  • Holds the client accountable for actions they set
  • Gives a listening ear, inspires and motivates to achieve set goals

Coaching isn’t therapy, as the coach is not there to tell you what to do; but they will listen openly and actively. You have the answers you seek – the coach is there to help you bring them forward.

Coaching is the gift that keeps on giving to yourself; it can be a great investment you make that can last a lifetime. Aren’t you worth it?

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them. Clients say coaching brings out their best by helping them focus, break down tasks and clarify their values.” – Fortune Magazine 


If you’re tired of the struggle, reach out today to learn more and get started living your best life.




Be Accepting of Yourself While Striving for Greatness

There is absolutely no way for you to be successful and reach your goals until you accept who you are. You have to like yourself and what you do before anyone else will.

The world detects how you feel about yourself and often simply shares the opinion you have about who you are. It is said that what you put out is what you attract; so, if you are not kind and compassionate to yourself, then you will be coming from a low level of vibration which will show up in all areas of your life, especially in your work.

When you are at a lower level, stress and anxiety are free to creep in which can lead to a host of mental, physical, and emotional troubles. Productivity and time management decline, behavioral issues may arise (i.e. irritability, conflict, etc.), and disengagement to some level occurs.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Whether you realize it or not, you do have control over your thoughts and actions so you step into your greatness. You must be yourself and free yourself in the process.

You are an individual who is unique. Your talents and abilities, you intelligence and interests, you opinions and tastes, make you who you are. There is no need to hide a part of yourself or alter a part of yourself for the sake of conformity. True success is about freedom and all truly successful people are individualists who have, more or less, accepted and glorified who they are. You should do the same.

At the same time, being yourself does not mean glorying in mediocrity. You need to be the very best version of yourself possible. This means that you have to work at being you.

You have to put the time into self-improvement. If you want to be great, you have to take daily actions that lead you there. Acceptance is not an excuse for laziness, cowardice or fear. Life is a privilege. It is a gift.

The gift and the privilege of life is that you get to be yourself, the best self you can possibly be. Use the gift; take advantage of the privilege that you’ve been given every day. Take time to breathe, to plan, to visualize, and to work on becoming the best version of you so you become great.


            “To increase your effectiveness, make your emotions subordinate to         your commitments” (Brian Koslow)


Don’t squander the chance. Let your own unique light shine forth. This is the light that will illuminate the path to real success in life. It will also be the light that attracts other people to you and shines the way to greatness.


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