Open the "Vault"of Your Ideas

Often when working with clients who say they want improvements in their lives, they often will say they ‘don’t know what those are.’ They “just know” that something is missing and they want more. As we explore, they find that they really do have an idea of what they want and realize those ideas have been lying dormant, almost locked up inside a vault they’ve created.
They seem surprised to uncover this but those thoughts have been pushed into their subconscious which, if not nurtured, will lie in waiting to be let out. Often, they will discover that they haven’t acted on them as they didn’t have the belief that their idea could be achieved so they just let it sit….and sit…..and sit. Until it starts to nag at them to be let out, i.e. the feeling that something is missing or they want more. Some can’t even explain what they’re feeling but they just know.
Feelings will arise first but it’s the thoughts we need to bring to the surface, which is when they become tangible and we now can face and do something about them. The fear of the unknown creates havoc in the brain which then soon spirals out of control, if allowed, leading to a host of emotional problems. To move through this:

  • begin to evaluate your thoughts and allow them to be seen (more tangible)
  • identify the threat they represent, or how high the value of them (high value and high threat equal high fear)
  • once uncovered, reframe each for its validity or real, and then focus on solutions you can take to for appropriately putting them where they need to be
  • visualize the positive outcome you want and write it down so it becomes real and a place where you can put your focus

Hiding out thoughts is a high level activity for the brain that leads to it performing poorly, as well as releasing toxic chemicals into your system that will make you feel bad. You do have a choice to keep your ideas and thoughts in the vault, where you’ll continue to feel frustrated about, or you can bring them to the surface and do something about them. Which do you choose?

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