3 Ways to Set Goals for Successs

It’s so hard to believe that December is upon us and the last days of 2019. In hindsight, it seems that the year has gone by so quickly. Before you know it, a new year and decade will be upon us. This is always the time for renewed spirit and goal setting to accomplish the ‘bucket list.’

Having a plan to start off the new year will allow you to enjoy the holidays.

Now is the time to begin planning and setting goals; however, there is still 31 days  to end the year off accomplished; it’s never too late to achieve your goals and finish strong. Sometimes it’s not which goals you set but how you set them, as you want to make them so compelling that you just have to work to get them done.

Here are 3 ways to set compelling goals:

  1. Past achievements – remember a time when you did achieve   something you wanted and how you did it – we often forget that we’ve accomplished goals in the past, as they now are easy or part of our routine; do you remember the first time you tried to ride a bike? remember how ‘hard’ it was? But yet you did it. Looking back on past achievements can help you to open up and get creative in your goals
  2. Everest goals – focus on the end-result – you already have reached your goal – and then work backwards to identify all the steps it took for you to get there. I love this way of setting goals, as it gets you into futuring and tapping into your visuals so you can ‘see’ you already accomplished; I find I get more creative while this also raises my emotional level to make my goals more compelling.  Create a visual representation to keep the goal in front of you, such as drawing a map with your goal at the top and free-think actionable steps that took you there
  3. Pain-Gain – another way to set goals is by looking at the benefit you will get, and the risk for not, for having them. By looking at the gain you will get by having the goal, can help you determine the ‘strength’ of that goal, and give you the motivation you need. Also, looking at the current pain by not having the goal also gives you a differing perspective to realize what is missing, i.e. why you need that goal, which, again, makes you want to do the work needed.

However, you set goals, the important point is that you have them as there are many benefits to them. Set them for parts of your life, as well as in your job and career. Think big – don’t be afraid to be as creative as you want; in fact, make your goals so big that you have to go for them. Planning ahead will give you peace of mind while providing direction each day. Now, you can savor these last days of 2019 and end your year well!

Committed to Your Success Coaching & Consulting focuses on workplace happiness and organizational success. If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, why not get some help – stop the struggle and call today to get started! https://www.cyscoaching.com or barbara@cyscoaching.com

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