Focusing Only on the Money Won’t Get You a Job

I see it over and over again – job seekers feeling confused and frustrated that they can’t find a job because they are only focusing on the money they will make.  While pay and benefits are important, they are not the only factors to consider when searching for a job.  You have to think about the sacrifices you will have to make, not to mention the workload and stress, that come along with high-paying jobs.  If your values and lifestyle do not mesh or you are not willing to do the work that is necessary then you will need to re-focus on finding a position that will fit and the look to see how you can set goals for how you will get there.

I once talked to a young man who is 29 years old and had worked his way up to the manager of a major, large retail chain.  He was preparing to interview for a district manager position and I have no doubt that he got the position.  In realizing his success, this young man was very focused on his career path and had taken the steps necessary to get where he was.   He reported that he had set career goals for himself at a very young age, 18, when he started working for the company and wanted to progress every two years; he would move into the “next step” and learn all he could so he was prepared for the next position.  While income was important to this young man, he felt that the learning and self-development opportunities were invaluable and motivating, as well as the ability to develop his employees to also move into management positions.

I think a good lesson can be learned from this story.   If you focus on your reasons for wanting to pursue your career path, aligning with your values, and setting clear goals for yourself can get you to the right job opportunity that can make you happy.  It will give you the purpose and the passion to work hard.  In time, the money will come!

Should You Be Working with a Career Coach?

If you have been umployed for longer than 3 months, you need to find a career coach – and fast!  Here are some benefits:

1. they can help you to regain composure when you feel thrust into unemployment and help you to regain your equilibrium

2. they can help you become focused and to set new career goals with action steps

3. they can give you “the scoop” on the job market:  who is hiring, where to leverage your skills and experience, using technology to market yourself

4. they can coach you on job search techniques, such as resumes, interviewing, business etiquette, and salary negotiations

5. they can help you to find your purpose and passion and take that into the workforce

6. they can help you to resolve workplace conflicts or stressors and help you learn more adaptive skills to cope with work life

7. they can help you to learn to manage your personal life and your work life

8. they can help you decide if you want to retire, and then help you exit the workforce on your terms

9. they can help you to leverage your skills and talents into a career path, possibly to get paid for what you know

10. they can help you to understand yourself better so you can manage your emotions and increase your attitude to be a highly engaged, highly motivated, and highly productive employee

A  job search can become tedious and demoralizing, as job searches are done and resumes are sent but there may be no responses.  It can become very depressing and frustrating.  Hiring a coach and spending money may seem like an impossibility, but the money you invest in yourself, and in your job search, can pay off enormously.  Having someone who knows the industry and who is focused on your success can help save you time that could be better spent on the right direction rather than the traditional way of job hunting.  A career coach can help you gain more money and benefits through salary negotion; they can help you to see how valuable you are to an organization.  A coach can help you to see your worth, to take more risks, and to grow your ego-strength, all of which will help you to believe and act on your behalf.  The end result will be a successful job search that will help you effectively manage your career and give you the preparation for the future should you need it.  Of course, these tips do not apply only to those who have lost a job as they serve well to all job seekers.  Shouldn’t you make the investment in yourself?

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