As we are now into 2025, a lesson to adopt is to express kindness, not just to others but to yourself. Many people don’t put themselves front-and-center, often out of guilt or worry what others may think if they did.
But, if you aren’t kine to yourself first, how can you express this to others in an unconditional way? It’s like when you’re flying on a plane and they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first before your children if there is an emergency.
Being kind can mean not pushing yourself to make or achieve goals, to lose weight, or to be someone or something new. While those are desirable goals, sometimes formulating them can lead to stress and anxiety over what a goal can entail, plush the thought of achieving them.
What I’ve found is that things will work out, one way or another. Being kind can mean just being and living in the moment until the time is right to come up with a goal you’d like to achieve and how you plan to do so. Pushing too hard can lead to a host of adverse emotions that can detract from you mental health and happiness.
Sometimes, just allowing can lead to good outcomes you want; often, not feeling pressured will open up your creativity and spark the motivation to reach them. Put kindness on your to-do list for this year and practice daily. Remember, the more you consistently do an action it will lead to becoming a habit that can change your life.