A New Beginning

New beginnings are great.  They offer us the chance to start over, to go in a different direction, to expand, or to resolve the past.  This is a “sort of” new beginning for me.  I am expanding my range with this new blog.  While I have a blog that is connected to my website, www.cyscoaching.com. I want to be able to offer more information and resources to help people further in their careers.  As a connector, I put people with people and people with resources that are vital to enabling their success. 

Until I add to this site, a little about myself. I am a Career and Business Coach so I write for both individuals as well for organizations and work with both in my own practice in Orlando, FL.  I consult, train, speak and write as well.  I am an adjunct professor, where I teach Career Management, Organizational Behavior, and Group Dynamics and Change.  I also have taught management and other related classes in a Gerontology program so you will see information for the generations. 

I hope you enjoy the information provided; let me know if there is any  info that may be of particular interest to you.  I hope to have this site fully functional soon.  Until then… to your success!

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